Veeva Dynamic CLM Presentation

Sector: Healthcare

Task: VEEVA Presentation

Project Highlights:

  • A global fertility sales CLM was looking to create a comprehensive VEEVA presentation to connect HCPs with various health clinics and facilities offering the specific services they need.
  • Assemble was tasked with making the platform’s standard static CLM both dynamic and customizable, which would also require all-new tracking and navigation systems. The final presentation would have four main sections, each with several sub slides and various filters to show/hide content.
  • The client also wanted to incorporate their existing 50+ high-quality animations and iconography into the presentation, which would bring the project total to over 100 different unique elements, including slides, pop-ups, icons, and more.
  • Overall technical tasks included: JSON data import (locations per state), custom tracking using Call Clickstream Veeva object, incorporation of HEVC MOV videos, and implementation of internal key message swipe navigation using HammerJS & GSAP

The Approach:

While creating highly advanced presentations is one of VEEVA’s primary benefits, the highly customized user experience and complexity of data this client required couldn’t be met with the default static format. Assemble instead had to create dynamic slides with the ability to show or hide internal sections based on the user’s (an HCP) interests. “We had to implement an initial customizable screen, showing different categories of information that each sub slide contains,” Fabian Miranda, Assemble’s Senior Web Developer and VEEVA Technical Lead, explained. “From there, the HCP could then select specific options and filter slide content based on the information they care about.”

But due to the presentation’s dynamic nature, the team couldn’t rely on the platform’s default native tracking, so they needed to add a custom tracking system to ensure no data would be lost. “A standard static CLM presentation requires a specific per slide which allows all tracking — such as time spent on specific slides, user reactions, etc.— and navigation to occur automatically,” Fabian added. “But in a case like this where you have several sub slides, you need to implement all this manually using custom javascript, in addition to creating a custom internal navigation. As crucial components for data collection and overall functionality, it was important we found the right solution for the client.”

The Big Wins:

By taking a dynamic approach to a presentation of this size and complexity, the development and set up of each slide was a lot simpler, saving the client both time and money. Rather than generating a static key message from scratch for every new slide, all the various titles, texts, assets, etc. that will make it unique are pulled directly from a shared media folder and rendered into the slides that the user sees. “Using dynamic functionality makes the whole application scalable and easier to maintain, so future additions or changes are a lot simpler, saving both sides significantly in costs. In terms of effort, the difference can be as significant as 15 minutes versus 2 hours.”

Assemble was also able to add a unique feature which allowed users to filter by locations. “We were given a huge Excel file of facilities per state that we were able to convert it to a JSON data file, import into VEEVA, and render into a dynamic list. Based on where the HCP was located, they could select their state and view their options, making the experience even more tailored to each user.”

A Key Takeaway:

With a significant investment previously made in a collection of over 50 high-end animated icons, the client was eager to incorporate these elements throughout the presentation. So Assemble took the liberty of researching the specific Codec needed (HEVC) to incorporate MOV files with transparent background (alpha channel). “We were able to render all these as HEVC MOV files into the proper form at that is able to keep the alpha channel and easily incorporate all of them into the presentation. This approach also makes it easy to reproduce on Webkit / Safari iOS, which is the rendering engine behind VEEVA CRM app.

“The client was thrilled when they saw how quickly and effectively the animations worked throughout the presentation,” Fabian continued. “They put a lot of time into these icons and we’re grateful we could make them work within this presentation as such a vital resource for them.”

But the work isn’t over. As the fertility CLM looks to utilize the VEEVA Engage for Meetings module to share the presentation both in-person and remotely, they’ve asked Assemble to create a new static version due to platform requirements. “Thanks to the dynamic approach, we are able to go through the library of assets and easily replace videos with bitmaps, making the transition a lot simpler. The client truly appreciates the efficiency we can provide, and we’ll be helping them a lot more in the future.”