The Top 5 reasons to use Video

5 Reasons Why Video Marketing Isn’t Just a Good Idea… It’s Essential

Video is everywhere. And while we all know it’s not a new concept (note: TV commercials dating back to the 1960’s), it is now more important than ever for marketers. So even if you’re a little late to the video party, don’t worry; because the more brands that are using it, the more consumers are watching it. Here are some stats to prove it:

  • The average person will spend 100 minutes every day watching online videos in 2021—19% higher than 2019. (Marketing Charts)
  • Nearly 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store. (Hubspot)
  • The average user spends 88% more time on a website with video. (Notch Video)
  • By 2022, 82% of all consumer internet traffic will be from video. (Cisco)

So, what about video makes it so attractive to consumers? The same reasons why you should be using it…

1.Video Commands Attention

There are so many things demanding your attention online, but there’s only so much of it to go around. Unlike static images or text, video uses both visual and aural stimuli, meaning it’s a more powerful way to break through the clutter and capture eyeballs—especially on social platforms like Twitter and Instagram where videos start playing automatically.“People really react to videos over other formats,” Mari Mora, Digital Designer at Assemble, explains. “Marketers can do more out-of-the-box things to create an experience, even just using simple animations, if it’s something the consumer doesn’t expect, they’ll be more drawn to it.”

2.Building Trust & Emotional Connections

People prefer to share emotions over facts, so establishing these types of personal connections will lead to more audience engagement and higher ROI. Video is one of the most effective ways to push your product or message while touching your consumers on a deeper level. By customizing voices, facial expressions, and music, you can create an experience that shows originality and realness.

Trust is the key to building stronger, long-term relationships, and this resonates a lot further when consumers feel strongly enough about your content to share it. Not only have you made that connection with them, but those recipients will view your video knowing it came from someone they trust too.

3.Engagement Becomes Effortless

Video is super easy to consume—and not just because they start playing automatically. If your consumer has the option to read a long product description or watch a short video about how it works, which do you think they’ll choose? “One of our clients wanted to explain a 3-step process,” explains Mari. “So we created assets that we could pair with elements of animation to transform the narrative into a video.” The animation brought the clients’ message to life to provide a simple, easy-to-digest, and entertaining way to learn about their service.

And since consumers can then embed, share, and comment all with the touch of a button, showing their friends couldn’t be easier either.  With shareable video content, your consumers can become important brand advocates, whether they realize it or not. 

4.Google Loves Video Too

Videos are a sure-fire way to increase visitor time spent on your site. And to Google, this longer exposure is a sign of quality content and credibility—big time. Moovly reports that a brand is 53x more likely to show up on the front page of Google if it has a video embedded in its website. You don’t want to be working against those odds.

5.It Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult to Create

Video really doesn’t have to be a big production, contrary to what some hesitant brands believe. “You don’t need to have a big budget, hire voice overs and talent, etc. to create an effective video.” Mari shares. To get the same benefits of video without the long, costly process, you can create motion graphics. “These videos combine text, images, and other elements into one animation to create a new experience. For one client, we turned their website header into a video simply by using their existing still image and overlaying animation elements to make it more engaging and attractive. It was really effective.”

How Assemble Makes Adding Video to Your Marketing Easy

Whether you’re already planning your next video or don’t even know where to start, Assemble keeps the process simple and easy. “Some clients come to us with a few key points they want to communicate, and we help them figure out different ways to use animation to best convey, while others know exactly what they want, and we just bring it to life,” Mari says.

And with consumer needs changing every day, speed couldn’t be more important. “If you want to launch a product quickly, we’ve mastered the process to make it simple and adaptable. We create a storyboard using still images and animation notes to show clients how the elements will work. Once it’s approved, it’s just about creating the assets to transform into video to ensure a quick launch.” 

Since every platform has different size and resolution requirements, Assemble also makes sure to create the video with the ability to be modified for different placements. “We always have different platforms in mind so we can easily transform the original motion graphic into different formats, so there’s no delay.”

If you’re not using video in your online marketing yet, it’s time to get rolling. Contact Assemble to learn more about how we can help bring your ideas to life and capture your audience.