Centralized Global Marketing Implementations

How Centralized Global Marketing Can Benefit Your Brand

Every successful brand needs consistency. While we may not be able to control the world around us, we can control how we react to it. But that becomes a lot harder to do when your brand is run by different subsidiaries in different markets all over the world. 

The Disconnect of Decentralized Global Marketing

Many global brands today are still developing their campaigns within decentralized models—meaning they are run by local marketing teams in each region with different processes and limited involvement from a central team. In this structure, budgets are held locally, and campaigns are usually released with different timelines. As a consequence, waiting for regional guidelines can take several days or even months, causing a disconnect in brand consistency and momentum.

How Centralized Marketing Gives You Control

Centralized Global Marketing offers a solution to these disadvantages, utilizing the differences, similarities, and opportunities of each region and their operations to create localized and efficient campaigns that are reinforced at a global level. As a result, your message has a wider reach and stronger brand identity. 

With information traveling faster than ever, the ability to deliver a message to many regions simultaneously is crucial to helping brands stay a step ahead of competition. And by receiving a higher volume of centralized data in return, marketers can make the adjustments or improvements for all regions in real time, expediting the process even more.

All the Benefits of Centralized Global Marketing

Now that we scratched the surface, here’s a little more about how the centralized model works and brings value to global brands:

Lower Costs for Larger Reach

Unlike a decentralized model which has several budgets per region, centralized models consolidate everything into a general budget, which allows for a more seamless distribution and an overall cost reduction. The times for implementation, production, and release are also  consolidated as well, so as a result of utilizing one general timeline for all campaigns across all regions, you can expand your reach even further.

Stronger Brand Consistency

Centralized marketing uses the creation of a Global Master Toolkit. This set of reference assets, copy, and content is adapted and localized across all of your markets and media placements to ensure consistency and strengthen your brand identity.

Improved Optimization

Thanks to the higher volume of data you’ll receive from several regions all at once, you can apply changes for both general or specific settings at a faster rate. Since the whole process is controlled across all markets, you can enhance campaign optimization overall.

Better Distribution

In addition to a more extensive reach, there’s more distribution benefits for media planning and buying. Using a global model, media teams can negotiate the best media placements in their specific market.

Setting Up a Centralized Marketing Model

In order to implement a Centralized Global marketing model successfully, there is specific preparation involved—especially if you are transitioning from a decentralized model. Here are three major elements to consider:

1. Global Strategy / Market and Regional Research

The foundation of your campaign identity will be built on proper global and regional research. From correct localization to compliance with various rules and guidelines, this data will always be key to creating the most effective centralized model.

2. Creating an A-Team

The team behind each campaign plays a major role in the success of centralized marketing. It’s essential to build a team that has demonstrated expertise in each part of the process—from research, translation, transcreation/localization, media buying, etc. And if an internal team isn’t available, an alliance with a proven partner is the best way to go.

3. Constant Data Analysis

In order to translate all the data you receive into productive changes, the analysis needs to be continuous. As local markets act and evolve differently, optimizing your campaigns will depend on implementing these trends at the appropriate times. 

To learn more about how a Centralized Global Marketing model can strengthen the impact and success of your campaigns, and how to get started, contact the experts at Assemble to discuss your goals.