Dynamic Banner Ads

Your Simplified Guide to Dynamic Banner Ads from An Expert

If Dynamic Banner Ads offers highly targeted, customizable capabilities to help campaigns convert, wouldn’t you want to use them? Like many other brand marketers, you may just be missing key details that prevent you from applying them to your online marketing program. Assemble wants to simplify all the ways you and your clients can utilize Dynamic Banner Ads and how it can elevate your online marketing to another level.

Why Use Dynamic Ads?

In order for any advertiser to connect with a customer in today’s crowded online marketplace, their message needs to get personal. Just imagine a banner ad featuring one of your favorite hobbies or one calling out your specific neighborhood—the chances you’ll stop and react are much higher, right?

“The capabilities of these ads fit right into the ‘highly customized’ trends that we see in all of marketing today,” Kristy Rothenberger, Assemble Chief Project Officer and Dynamic Guru, explains. Customization is key to break through some clutter and maximize your ability to take your audience insights and market to those people in the most effective and efficient way. 

“We see most clients using dynamic ads when they want to execute multiple creative concepts or messages at the same time, or they want to upgrade from the many static versions they have to individually produce to something more efficient,” Kristy continues. 

The best part for advertisers is that this more efficient process of building and running targeted ads minimizes the work of marketing teams, design teams, and even those trafficking the ads to offer a much more cost-effective way to get these customized messages in front of right audiences.

How Dynamic Ads Work

Think of dynamic creative as an online matchmaker, connecting each member of your audience with an ad on a more personal level. But the real magic behind these ads is how easy it is to do that. 

Through almost an automatic process, a data sheet working behind the scenes will determine which of the “dynamic elements” to serve each user based on who it will resonate with the most. You start with a strategy based on data—which could be learnings, site pixel tracking, or reporting from a 3rd party data company—and design a creative template that allows you to change the messaging, imagery, CTA buttons, URLs of each ad very easily.

“Once the campaign is running, Dynamic Creative Optimization takes over to place more of the ads that are engaging in front of the customers. Rather than showing the same static banner ad across multiple platforms, you can leverage many unique creatives with higher relevance to each user’s interests or needs to increase engagement and marketing ROI.”  

The two most common types of Dynamic Ads are:

1. Retargeting Dynamic Ads:

Everyone has experienced this type of banner ad. Like that time you put a shirt or two in your shopping cart, and two hours later, it popped up while you were browsing Facebook. These ads remember the interaction a user has with the brand and serves an ad showing the same product you’ve previously shown interest in. This uses a product feed to serve products in real time, using the most up to date info.

2. Predetermined or Prospecting Dynamic Ads

These ads are based on more robust insight in a different way than customer interaction. This type of Dynamic Ad takes the data you know or collect about your customer set, or prospects, and uses that info to set parameters—like age group, demographic location, keyword, etc.—to serve a particular combination of your creative to that group. Basically, you are saying Concept A should go to Audience A, and Concept B should go to Audience B and C. The more information you have about your target audiences, the more effective this type of dynamic ad will be. 

To show you what this may look like, let’s say a dog food company is creating a campaign for their dog food. They know some of their customers will need puppy food, others may have an older dog who requires arthritis help, while some owners may want food to aid in weight loss. Instead of building out multiple campaigns for each dog food audience, the brand can swap in the right product and tailor the message for each banner within the dynamic package, all with the same branded look and feel. This method also allows them to utilize the benefits of all the different variations of the banner versus focusing on just one message.

Getting the Most out of Your Dynamic Advertising

“It’s important to start with an insight, an idea, or piece of data to build your campaign on,” Kristy explains. “For instance, if you’re a car dealership, and your sales history shows that customers in NJ buy more Toyotas, whereas those in PA more often buy Hondas, you can use this insight to segment your audience within the campaign, and serve the right car to the right audience. This ensures you’re not wasting money serving products that don’t resonate with that audience—like serving a Honda deal to someone in NJ.” 

Once you know what you want to be advertising and what message will go to what audience, you’ll decide which items within the ad will be “dynamic”—or which parts of the creative will change with each audience. Since you have to ensure the creative is flexible enough for all scenarios of the changing content, designing assets for dynamic will involve some thoughtful planning. 

Here are a few tips:

  • Only include necessary info in the banner
  • Test your message to see which works best in each ad (it’s easy!)
  • For promotions, make sure to utilize the date feature during the build, so you can turn certain versions on and off automatically.

How Assemble Can Help

Assemble can guide brands as to what is and isn’t possible throughout the set up and production process, while partnering with the media side to bring the whole campaign to life. “We help coach and answer questions about what can be done to make sure the creative is set up correctly and can use third party data companies with tracking information in order to serve a certain product or service.

“Our team connects with the client from the very beginning, using our extensive knowledge of the capabilities in the technologies available to provide the consultation that will make the process a whole lot easier.”

To learn more about how Dynamic Banner Ads strengthen the impact and success of your campaigns and getting started, contact Kristy or the Assemble team to discuss your goals.