4 Reasons Why You Need a Creative Production Team

We’d be lying if we said that having an in-house creative team doesn’t have its advantages. A lot of agencies simply can’t duplicate the type of attention and industry-specific knowledge that a team in the company trenches every day can. But you can’t expect your in-house team to cover every aspect, every channel, or every media type of marketing and production — and actually be effective doing it.

Successful creative production requires specialization. That’s exactly why our team at Assemble purposefully specialized our craft within digital asset production, allowing us to develop a deep expertise and discipline — because it’s all we do. So when an in-house creative team partners with us, they get exactly the skill and expertise they need to execute their creative campaigns flawlessly.

While you may think we’re a little biased, the benefits of partnering with a creative production team are really indisputable. Let’s dive in a little deeper.

What is Creative Production?

To put it simply, creative production is anything that helps turn a marketing concept into a reality. It encompasses a number of steps from the initial brainstorming ideas or themes through to creating print materials and delivering digital assets on an endless number of platforms.

Creative production teams can include a Creative Producer, Web Designers and Developers, Video Producers, QA Specialists, Content Strategists, Project Managers and more. Each offering their own niche expertise within the creative process that helps drive compelling and unique campaigns to generate the most meaningful results. And because these distinct roles are so heavily intertwined, collaboration amongst these individuals is key to being able to innovate and adapt quickly as new technology, trends, and challenges arise.

Why You Need a Partner Creative Team

Having a creative production team to fill in the gaps within your internal process not only helps keep things running efficiently, but it also opens the door to new opportunities that aren’t within your current team’s wheelhouse.

  1. A Greater Focus on the Bigger Picture
    In today’s digital world, the average marketer is utilizing 4 different channels for their campaigns. And every single one of those channels requires different specs, resolutions, character counts, etc. — the same applies for each unique email host. Needless to say, managing them all can be a massive undertaking.

    If your in-house creative team is stuck in the weeds with all these details, how can they focus on your big picture marketing goals? Partnering with a creative production team takes that part of the process off their plate and gives it to production experts, who are well-versed in the guidelines for each platform and can advise your team throughout their process to ensure the most seamless handoff. The result is faster turnarounds, less hassle, and bigger returns.

  2. Higher Quality Designs
    You know what they say about trying to be a “Jack of All Trades…” You can’t expect your in-house team to be Masters of everything. The main reason companies hire outsourced production teams is to address their internal shortcomings. Instead of accepting a lack of experience that could lead to lower quality assets and less effective campaigns, an outsourced creative team can serve as an extension of your internal team, turning your weakest areas into some of your strongest.

  3. Getting a More Flexible Investment
    It’s no secret that hiring a new creative employee can be expensive. Between salaries, benefits, onboarding, and training, there’s a lot of upfront and on-going costs involved before you even see some kickback from your investment.

    An outsourced creative team not only offers a more flexible alternative for specific projects where you’re lacking this experience, but it also ensures you’re fully equipped when you do. Along with the particular skill sets you need, their team will also provide a complete project management and approval process system that they use, so you’re already set up for success. These tools will be specifically tailored to the particular creative assets they’re producing for you, as well as all the hardware and software required to execute.

  4. Having More Agility & Scalability
    Today, it’s impossible to keep up with the fast pace of evolving technology in the digital space, and it’s a full-time job to try and do so. That’s why the best creative production agencies will focus their expertise on a specific area to ensure a deep understanding of the nuances within that space. Putting the full marketing and production responsibilities on an in-house team can be a great way to limit your overall capabilities and complicate the process with costly delays and errors.

    Production teams like Assemble have invested all of our time and energy in becoming experts in this space — so when your creative concept is ready to come to life, change directions, or scale up, we can do it quickly, cost-efficiently, and at the highest quality.

Having a Creative Team that’s Built for Success

In an ever-evolving industry like ours, the only constant is change. So what’s even more important than having a successful creative team right now — is having one that will continue to evolve with the industry and thrive in the future. So what does that entail?

  • Stay a Step Ahead of the Game
    Always consider the “what ifs.” Because anticipating potential challenges and creating a contingency plan will help you avoid major roadblocks in the process. This also means staying on top of the latest trends and best practices across the industry to ensure you’re taking advantage of the newest technology and techniques to set your marketing apart.

  • Be Flexible & Scalable
    We repeat: things are constantly changing in the creative industry. So you have to be able to adapt and grow whenever necessary. Stay open to new ideas and keep an eye on the market to see how competitors are making moves toward the future.

  • Set Clear Goals
    If everyone on your creative team isn’t aligned on your overall goals, it’s easy to fall off track. By ensuring everyone has a clear understanding of not only what needs to be done, but also the ‘why,’ you can make better decisions and ensure better results.

  • Nurture Innovation
    Create a culture that encourages people to speak up and celebrates new ideas. The more perspectives you can see, the more opportunity you’ll be able uncover.

  • Communicate
    This is a no brainer for any creative project. Keep open lines of communication between designers, developers, writers, etc. And keep stakeholders in the loop too. The more transparency, the better.

  • Hire the Right People
    When it all comes down to it, the people behind the process are who make the magic happen. In a creative environment, passion and initiative are just as important as skill and experience. You want a team of driven individuals who are natural problem-solvers, thrive in collaboration, and are eager to keep learning. It can sound like a major undertaking, so just outsource to a team that already has it.

If your company is lacking the creative production partner it needs to take your digital marketing to the next level, let’s talk. Assemble brings together some of the most remarkable talent from the US and LATAM to offer clients a deep expertise in digital assets, fueled by a passion for the latest trends in technology development to help their creative stand out in the most innovative and impactful ways. To learn more, contact our team today.